Applying For Admin/ Mod

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Applying For Admin/ Mod

Hey, Im BugzBunny in game. I Really love this game and I dont play any others, but this one caught my attention and is really fun. I love the community and the Admins are very nice : ). I just figured i could sign an application to be a Admin, I love being nice and will do my best to help other players even if im not an admin. Thank you Bone for having such a great game! Hope to see alot more people in game soon :)
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Re: Applying For Admin/ Mod

Hi! I met you online and you do indeed seem nice. However, to be an admin needs a thorough knowledge of where things are and so on and I think you need to play the game a bit longer before you're ready to join the admin team. Good luck with your application anyway.
You get old too soon and you get smart too late - Mike Tyson.