Applying for Mapper.

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Applying for Mapper.

Whatsup everybody, it's Necrosis here - my real name is Tim - and I decided I'd give a shot at applying for a mapper's position.  Most of you view me as someone who causes trouble, and doesn't deserve this admin position; I won't begrudge you for that.  You're probably right.  However, as far as adminly duties would be concerned, I would deal with people in an un-biased manner, for it's not in my nature to care enough about one side of the story more than the other.  If I feel you broke a rule, then I hope you enjoy your punishment.  However, I wouldn't be a psychotic admin, on a muting rampage.  That's the other admins' job.  My job would be to bring in new maps for our players to enjoy.  As of now, BU's maps are mostly known for having multiple "levels" in them.  As nice as this method is, I feel like BU could use some more variety in it's maps.  Diversity, I feel, is a highly desirable characteristic of a server because it maintains the server uniqueness, and makes it feel more eccentric.  By becoming a Mapper for BU, I believe that I would be able to expand Bones-Underground's melting pot, and bring a new style of mapping that could be found as eccentric, yet easy to look at.  Filled with detail, but not flooding with clutter.  Down below are some examples of my most recent maps.  (On a side note, I have not mapped for any previously existing, or currently existing servers. I map purely because it's fun.)

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---^ not finished

All constructive criticism is welcomed, and thanks for your time. I hope you would welcome me as a mapper.

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Re: Applying for Mapper.

Yes, I know one of the maps posted twice. It t'was an accident.
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Re: Applying for Mapper.

1.You need to look at these and rethink what you've just done, you're making maps for BU but using EO's graphics.
2.Not enough things in some of the maps/bland
3.The maps you've done are small maps, theres one biggen but it's a simple map, it's not something that pulls you out and makes u think 'wow'

My advice is: do more, produce something big, a mountain a dungeon something that'll make us say wow & use BU's graphics