Elemental dress (Full sheet done)

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Elemental dress (Full sheet done)

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Iv decided to call it 'Elemental dress'

Thanks for the constructive criticism, helped me alot, i rediced the colour count down to 5 shades from 16 xD And have darkened the outline and Recoloured the gold lace.
Tell me what u think.

Link to the Full sheet (Low quality) - http://oi61.tinypic.com/21exjyp.jpg
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Re: Check this garment i made!

Very nice!

I think you might need a darker outline, and less choice in colors.

Other than that it looks good, man! Nice work.
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Re: Check this garment i made!

In reply to this post by Wonlongtong
I think you have great potential!
The line art was quite impressive, I really do enjoy this piece.

My only true complaint is your color count, there are at least 16 shades of blue.
This being said I made some edits, I adjusted some of the line art.
I reduced the color count substantially, and of course reshaded.

Here is my edit:

I don't really have a whole lot of CC.. I think you just need to keep at it and with time and patience you will be spectacular artist.

Please do not give up and keep pixeling, I look forward to seeing you progress.
You have sincerely impressed me.
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Re: Check this garment i made!

In reply to this post by Wonlongtong
Looks great! :)
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Re: Elemental dress (Full sheet done)

In reply to this post by Wonlongtong
Here's my edit/version:
(Ignore the boots)

The only problems I could find were the color palette and the alignment. The alignment wasn't entirely aligned properly with the sprite. The colors chosen were perfectly fine, just the saturation was all the same. You'll need to use darker saturation for darker colors, and work the saturation to be lighter, the lighter the color gets. That's what I did here. I used the same colors you did, I just changed the saturation a little.

Also, On the stomach, there are different blues, as opposed to the blues on the skirt and neckerchief. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but it's best to keep your colors consistent, unless you're going for a style that works best.

You have surprised me though. I'm very happy with how this looks for a beginning artist. You should continue your work. I'm interested to see how much you improve. :)
I'm only here for the food.