Entheoman's Application

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Entheoman's Application

I'm a 17 year old (almost 18) hippy. I love games, though I prefer making them rather than playing nowadays. I am naturally creative and intuitive. I am currently writing my own books and articles on various subjects. I've played EO since I was like 8 (holy crap) and I joined the EOSERV community around 10 and made EO private servers since. I used to have a server called Craze-Solution and I was a competitor with BU, FE, and other popular servers around those times. I think this was because I know how a gamers mind works, and  know exactly what people like, what they don't, and especially what makes people want to stay and play for a long time. But my maps and work effort back then was extremely bad.

Since then I've advanced in the realms of programming, quest writing, advertising, mapping, and brainstorming. I'm not applying for a programmer or anything specific, but my most developed skills are mapping, quest writing, and advertising. I'm very interested in advertising and or marketing Bones Underground in order to attract a consistent player-base of isometric gamers. I can do this via paid advertising (PPC), or what I'm best in is just general branding and promotion on gaming forums, social networks, and so forth (obviously only if it is allowed there). What I'm most interested in applying for is a quest writer and mapper. I haven't mapped too much with BU graphics, but I'm 100% sure I will get a hang of it and start making some really cool maps, especially if I have amazing artists like in BU to back me up so I can actually be more creative and unlimited unlike I would be with the original basic EO graphics.

Here are some example maps I made for an abandoned project:

I'm also really good at making balanced gameplay, as in stat balance, drops, EXP, etc. but of course it would take me some time to adjust to the BU gameplay as I've never been a dedicated player, only played from time to time.
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Re: Entheoman's Application

Your maps are really good, I like what I see. I would like to see some using the BU gfx. Best of luck.
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