Garden of Eden

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Garden of Eden

Hello again, Bones-Underground! Another post from muah!! I know I haven't posted much recently, but due to... "technical"... difficulties I was incapable of using my old laptop. Don't fret though! Zoey is back! xoxox!! So here is a map, that I worked very hard on. I feel like it's a pretty map, that would work well for maybe a boss fight, craft, quest, or even just a new hang out place for the more lazy players! (heheh like muah) I'd appreciate all constructive criticism and feedback! Thanks for your time:)<3

Bottom Right Side

This is the middle!

Zeh top!

Special Tiles for the Bottom End

Special Tiles for the Top End
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. ~William Dement
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Re: Garden of Eden

I like your maps. :P
I've gotta party in my crib! Now you messin with some OG people blowin' OG smoke. You ain't even gotta ask. You already know! We bout to gooo!
~Faze_Scrapy_  / ScrapyDoo_** I Love My Fans!
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Re: Garden of Eden

In reply to this post by Zoey(Infect)
This is the only half decent map iv'e seen you do.