Hello My name Is Elliot

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Hello My name Is Elliot

           Hello my name is Josh,

           The reason for me trying to become a admin, I think I would be a great admin for this server I play about 18 hours a day I try to help as much as I can for other players to be happy. I get along with everyone that doesn't try to trash talk and I won't abuse my powers or spawn NPCs without permission, I will try my hardest to everyone to their needs but I will not give anyone items nor will I randomly jail, mute, or ban anyone for no reason at all. I think that if Kyle can give me a chance I can proof my loyalty towards his server and become an admin that is always helping everybody that needs help for locations and dealing with the problems that happens in Bones-Underground.

                                   ~ Bones-Underground Name : Elliot.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Kyle.
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