-Increase the drop rates-

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-Increase the drop rates-

I'm sure all of us are sick of these drop rates on BU I've been playing BU for a long time and the drop rates are getting worse and worse by that I mean you keep changing the chance of anything ever dropping. People spend days to get certain drops. This game is meant to be fun not to completely take over your life trying to achieve items in a game. Players of BU are sick of all these bull shit craft lines you have put in place and that's why so many players have left the server to join other servers that are easier. If you want to make the Crafts harder then increase the drop rates..

@Kyle -Bone-
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Re: -Increase the drop rates-

I completely agree, It turns playing the game into more of a chore then an enjoyable way to spend your time.
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Re: -Increase the drop rates-

In reply to this post by Claw
If there made easier you all would just bitch its to easy and you craft it all and have nothing to do.
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