Ixlovexpie`s Admin application :D

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Ixlovexpie`s Admin application :D

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Hello bones underground (bu). I would love to be an admin. I`m very nice and kind lots of people would tell you. I am still new to bu but  love to help people out. I see admins help people out they are are very nice and I would like to be just like them. Helping people lvl up is one of my favorite things to do on bu. I say to mostly every new person I see hello and nice to meet you. I think and hopefully you do to i would be a good part as an admin.

I may sound not that good but I try to be as helpful as I can to other people. If some one does not follow rules they will be treated differently than others. I seem very nice but I am also mean when I need to be. :D I`m very trusted. I have never been an admin before so I  thought this would be an good start for me on bu because bu is a very nice place. I`m up late some times when i`m not to sleepy to play but, I on mostly every day if i`m at home :P.THANKS FOR READING XD.
                                                                                                    From: Ixlovexpie
my kitten (ozzy) Kahlua XD
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Re: Ixlovexpie`s Admin application :D

I have not been on lately because some thing happened when my cat went on my computer when it was loading to open and the screen when't black every time but, now I re downloaded it (finally) and can go on again.
my kitten (ozzy) Kahlua XD
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Re: Ixlovexpie`s Admin application :D

learn more about bu  and some day u could b admin :D
and if u need any help just pm me in game
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Re: Ixlovexpie`s Admin application :D

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Thanks I will try to get better i mostly have to practice the prices of every thing XD. And more use to all rules XD
my kitten (ozzy) Kahlua XD