Lenn for Admin

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Lenn for Admin

Hello BU.

I would like to become admin within BU. Why?
Because i enjoy the community and wish to help more of my fellow peers in a friendly and professional manner.
I am usually on BU all the time, except for a few days beginning this weekend. As i begin working.

About me:
I am a young adult who crafts things in my free time. I enjoy spending my time online, talking to a few of my friends.

What Will I Do As Admin?
If i become an admin, i will give new ideas for events that could be fun for all. I will also work on helping new players as much as possible. I also love to work with others as much as possible on projects and ideas to see them become a reality.
Hopefully i will have a chance to do so in the near future.

That's all for now. Have a great day everyone!

Lenn Out!