Literally my first pixels

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Literally my first pixels

Here are my first pixels! No hate. :l

This is the hoodie I call the ''Gobblin Hoodie''


This is the pixel I just made like 30-1 hour ago xD! No name for it yet.


I haven't done any shading on it so it looks a little gay but yea these are my first pixels! Give me props pl0x? ;)

I've gotta party in my crib! Now you messin with some OG people blowin' OG smoke. You ain't even gotta ask. You already know! We bout to gooo!
~Faze_Scrapy_  / ScrapyDoo_** I Love My Fans!
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Re: Literally my first pixels

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Well, for the red/blue one, at the end where the pants end it needs to be isometric, needs a darker outline, more saturated colors . Hope I helped.

Of course, I'm not a pro, but here's how I'd do it..
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Re: Literally my first pixels

Idek how you did that xD. I use the galegraphics thingy to do pixels on.
I've gotta party in my crib! Now you messin with some OG people blowin' OG smoke. You ain't even gotta ask. You already know! We bout to gooo!
~Faze_Scrapy_  / ScrapyDoo_** I Love My Fans!
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Re: Literally my first pixels

I use paint. Lol
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Re: Literally my first pixels

I've gotta party in my crib! Now you messin with some OG people blowin' OG smoke. You ain't even gotta ask. You already know! We bout to gooo!
~Faze_Scrapy_  / ScrapyDoo_** I Love My Fans!
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Re: Literally my first pixels

Paint FTW