Lotto Map by Nurd

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Lotto Map by Nurd

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Hello. I've been getting to mapping again and this time I didn't do a GH. I did a Lotto Map, like Necrosis did. I spent a total of 9 hours on this map. Making maps smaller than they usually are is very difficult with the limited resources BU has.

Both Necrosis and I were on the lotto map and decided to create a new one each. Here is mine:

Click on the image for a full sized view.

As you can see, the lotto map is a little large, but it is suspended over Tut Town, and it's surrounding towns! The idea was given to me by Necrosis himself, so credit to him for the idea.

During lotto there are people on alts who stop in the walkway. I have made a couple of sections for people to walk around them, if they do not have ghost.

So tell me what you think!
I'm only here for the food.
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Re: Lotto Map by Nurd
