Maddiie-Like to Apply for Moderator & a Mapper!

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Maddiie-Like to Apply for Moderator & a Mapper!

One of my maps!Hi, My name is Maddie, I am 16 years old. Im from Canada! I've just recently tarted playing BonesUnderground and in love with it! I went exploring,leveling up and ment good players!

I was wondering if you guys would be hiring mappers/Mods. I would be able to do both. I would beable to play up to 12hours on week days, and all day and night on weekends. I would like to apply for mod/mapping, because first, Mapping I love because you can be creative. Second, Mapping is just so fun, alot of people say it's broing but to me it's great! I could map 24/7! and would never get bored because you can be creative. I would also apply for Moderator because to make sure, no one is getting cyber bullied or there trying to DdoS. I am great with understanding player, and love to help out alot! Here is one of the maps I have made, It has diffrent Gfx's but If i get hired I will switch to your guys gfx's. here is one of my maps I have made! this map was also rushed as you can see not so good, If i get hired here of corse I will take my time!

that is a link to my map, if my map image didn't show up!