Hey there everyone, Necrosis here with another map. I'll start this off quick n' blunt: the current Lottery Map, I'm sorry to whomever designed it (Stephanie, I believe), is garbage. I feel like it was too sloppily drawn up, and it feels too clustered for its size. I also can't stand the dark, gloomy, feeling it gives off. So, I spent the better part of 6 hours (crazy as it sounds) coming up with a new one. It may feel bigger than the current, however it is the same exact size. Hope you guys enjoy!
Suggestions are welcome. ^^
Oh, and you may notice logs blocking the path. Have no fear, you can warp over them however you cannot go back. (sorry cheaters:]).
Oh, and as a last note: The top-most boat is how you warp back to Tutorial Land.