New Lotto Map.

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New Lotto Map.

Hey there everyone, Necrosis here with another map. I'll start this off quick n' blunt: the current Lottery Map, I'm sorry to whomever designed it (Stephanie, I believe), is garbage. I feel like it was too sloppily drawn up, and it feels too clustered for its size. I also can't stand the dark, gloomy, feeling it gives off. So, I spent the better part of 6 hours (crazy as it sounds) coming up with a new one. It may feel bigger than the current, however it is the same exact size. Hope you guys enjoy!

Suggestions are welcome. ^^

Oh, and you may notice logs blocking the path. Have no fear, you can warp over them however you cannot go back. (sorry cheaters:]).

Oh, and as a last note: The top-most boat is how you warp back to Tutorial Land.
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Re: New Lotto Map.

Bro the map looks kool
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Re: New Lotto Map.

In reply to this post by Necrosis
Would be better if you had upload a bigger resolution one
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Re: New Lotto Map.

In reply to this post by Necrosis
Very nicely done! I love it.
I'm only here for the food.
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Re: New Lotto Map.

In reply to this post by Necrosis
dark  gloomy is what the BU theme is and is also what Kyle asked me for when he asked me to make it. This may is way to big and very little will be seen once in game.
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Re: New Lotto Map.

Stephanie, how is it too big? It is literally the SAME EXACT size as the current one. I understand the "theme" of BU is 'dark and gloomy,' but understand the players don't want constant depressing maps. Everything that's on the map will actually be seen, and I know this because I've already tested it myself. You can see everything, except some water and some boats.
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Re: New Lotto Map.

Maybe it just looks larger than it is.
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Re: New Lotto Map.

Trust me Steph, it look larger than it is mostly because of the cliff in the middle of the map. Actually playing on the map, it's a good size and would(if it was ever used) cut back on the skipping/traffic during Lotto. I know for fact of the size, because I #loc'd on lotto to find the map ID simply to find the parameters of the map. :)
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Re: New Lotto Map.

In reply to this post by Necrosis
i like it!