Purple, White, Gold, pixel armors.

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Purple, White, Gold, pixel armors.


- I'm just messing around here practicing my pixeling skills, I don't think I'm enter the contest though, but I would like your thoughts on this. Thank you.
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Re: Purple, White, Gold, pixel armors.

Firstly I would like to suggest that you really should submit this as an entry.

I haven't seen much of your work but I have heard great things, truth be told you live up to what I was informed. With this particular piece there are only small flaws with the In-game view. Such as the female's shirt/jacket (yellow one) it looks very flat along the characters breast rather then smoothly curved.

Here and there; are some small isometric issues but for the most part it is very consistent.
My biggest complaint is the Inventory views.. Incoming straight raw comments.

The line art is very poor on both, mainly the female. Its far to thin and doesn't translate very well into the in-game view. I can see that when you made this you just either flipped it or just mirrored your work on the other side. While there are some edits it is far to noticeable and overall looks lousy to me.

Now what would I recommend you fix:
-Redo the inventory views
(Note: The lineart with this piece can be mirrored but the shading should not be.)
-Fix the isometric errors in the female's in-game view

Honestly you have a very strong set of skills Red. I just feel that there was a lack of work that went into the Inventory View. I think that if you make the necessary edits you should submit it. It really is a impressive in-game piece with very few flaws, your downside was really just the inventory view.

I look forward to your future work and really do hope you make the edits in time for the contest if you decide to submit.
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Re: Purple, White, Gold, pixel armors.


Posted on the contest.. Re edits "inventory"