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Hello guys.
I would like to talk about the double-account rule. The rule basically is that you are not allowed to kill 1 of the same monster while logged on 2 accounts on the same IP, WHILE OTHER PEOPLE ARE THERE. Meaning if I was multicliented on 2 of my accounts and killing a boss while another person is there, that is against the rules. In the age of "couples work" in BU, why is this even a rule? Literally EVERY high level excluding me and a FEW others has a partner that they work with together to camp items for. I prefer to camp items alone and having a partner takes away the convenience of #ily which I use so often. I already have a girlfriend in real life/not looking for love on BU. On top of that, when it's "couples camp" vs my 2 accounts at a boss, they can literally tell me not to use my alt and I have to listen because of this rule. So now it's 2 vs 1 at a boss. Yes, my way is also unfair because I'm obviously going 2v1 at a boss with someone who hasn't trained an alt. At any point, one person can train their alt though. At any point a person CAN get married, but there are no benefits to it besides the #ily feature (which is 10x more useful when it's an alt actually) and gives you free reign over the "Single" people on BU. On top of this, it isn't necessary to use 2 accounts to camp at a boss until you reach the maximum stats point. So it's not like the "Duo-camping" takes away from the actual game experience. So the question is: Why? Why do we have a rule that limits any "single" high level and so obviously favors the "Couples work"? Every high-end boss on here requires either atleast 10-15mins of attention while soloing, or 2 people camping it. If we weren't with EO style combat, I'd be fine with this. For example: I play Maplestory and I am perfectly fine with the fact that some bosses will literally take 30 min to solo. Why? Because there's 200billion x more interraction with the monster than on BU. Anyway, that was just an example of why the game engine limits BU. Back on topic: To start off my argument lets list all the high levels I can remember that have a legitimate partner (a partner that is not an alt): Admins alt that have a partner also DO count, because my point is that this is primarily a couples game, and the fact they couple-up when they have a player alt just proves my point even more. Remember this is ONLY high levels, because it's only necessary to "Couple-up" after a certain point. Before that, you can afford to solo every monster without having to marry. Anyways: Couple: Atleast 40 Reborns+ Male: Female: Copyright Fairytale Apie Lunablue Misterx Trippykitty Diabolical Nentra (Less than 40th reborn) Aokwasbetter Ohmnee Scar Scarlet Ribbited Cajunqueen Xxxdream Fiona Debit Credit Thedarky Taamaara Xtrollx Hoosierho Here we have 11 couples listed of high level players that play BU. 2 of those do not frequent BU often, so instead of 22 players that have a partner, we can say 18 do. The average number of people online range from 30-45'ish, and that's overshooting the ACTUAL average maximum by about 5-8. For the sake of math lets simplify this and round. This means every day, 1/2 - 1/3 of people will be a high level couple challenging a high level single player for a spot at any given time. The couple will win. No matter what. When you take into account that I probably forgot atleast 5 couples, some of the time there are more than 50% couples online playing BU, and then on top of this there is a chance that it's an admin alt that has free reign to tell you to get out, it's pretty overwhelming. The last sentence was biased, but it's happened several times to me, so I can't even rule that out. Anyways, OPINIONS GUYS? I swear I'm not anti-love : ) |
You are so right. Steph made me log out of my alt because she wanted the drops for her alt, which is stupid af. I've never seen her asking anybody to log off their alts because its unfair, but when she needed the drops.........yeah
In reply to this post by Soren
I totally agree with you Soren, it's nearly impossible to solo a boss here, especially with the drop rates being so terrible.. For example Thanatos, if you want to solo it that means you have to spend tons of pots + at least 7 minutes just to get 1 kill . Using multi you can kill it in less than 2 minutes.
In reply to this post by Luru
Lol Luru. That happened to me on my alt with Endy. He was on his alt Applekush at the time (Pretty sure he doesn't own it anymore), I came in and asked to group/started training with him when he refused my group request. He logged on his mod account and forced my alt Chrom to leave Headless Mages. I've had another incident at Heavy Crimson/Platinum guards as well, so it definitely does happen.
@Alpha: Yeah man. I trained my alt SPECIFICALLY because BU is so couple-heavy. About 25reborns in having done this, Amy randomly told me one day it's against the rules. I questioned every single moderator AND Bone at the time and they told me it wasn't a rule. Now a days, I'm pretty sure it's a rule because I've been warned for it (and I stopped doing it), but it's not even written so most of BU doesn't know this "rule" exists. |
In reply to this post by Soren
I agree to some aspects of this and I disagree to others.
I remember back when I was a player, I would try to get a drop when a new version was released. However, a couple would be there too and they would get nearly every drop because they were working on getting their items. Single players were powerless against them and it was unfair because of the current standing rule. Now having said that, if they got a drop that they don't need they'd (most of the time) be happy to give it to anyone else that needed it. I'm not saying they're selfish. How I think this should happen: If a single player went to a boss to camp it, and they were alone, they can log onto their alt and multi-camp it as long as they like. The same goes for a one member of a marriage. They can log onto their partner's account or an alt to try and get a drop or two. However, if another player comes along, they have to log off, regardless of whether it's for an #ily warp or not.. If you die - tough shit. Walk. If both parties of a marriage are online on their characters and are camping a boss, and another player is there with them, that said player has the right to log onto their alt or their partner and camp that boss with the couple. This way, the chances of getting drops are fair for both the married couple and the single player/married player. - That's just my personal input on the game, from previous 4-years of experience as a player.
I'm only here for the food.
This post was updated on .
Sheesh. That's harsh LOL, they could just walk to a different map! But yeah, I agree, that's exactly how the rule should be if it were to change. Especially because it would also get rid of the possible off-chance of an admin alt. Well it wouldn't get rid of it, but they would OBVIOUSLY be in the wrong and it could be proven. If you want to get real cute, you could make this rule very harsh, and use the #evac command whenever you want to get the alt/married wife or husband off the map. This wouldn't be a bad option because this situation takes away from player experience and happens quite a bit. Just a suggestion! |
In reply to this post by Soren
I have no problem with people using alts to kill bosses as long as there the only one there, how as long as there not blocking the npc. Bosses should be fought head on and not blocked/ranged. As far as partners I still say no alt should be allowed.
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Lol, when you kicked my alt, i was there alone trying for hours to get those drops and wasn't ranging just came with your stupid main and kicked my alt because you needed the drops too.
In reply to this post by Soren
You definitely have a good point, Soren.
It's frustrating trying to get drops with a couple there who has a probable better chance of getting the drops. I usually get annoyed and leave. |
In reply to this post by Luru
When someone other shows up you have to get off your alts, dont like it then to bad.
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Funny thing is, you seen to not give a fuck about it when its anybody else, unless its you.
Thats where your wrong, If and when its reported to me I warp there and make the alts log out.
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In reply to this post by Soren
I agree! We also need to implement, Topless Tuesdays, Bottomless Draft Wednesdays and Pantless Fridays!
"It's time you invested in a bottle of poison! so we don't have to hear about you bitchin and moanin. Boo fuckin hoo you're not the only one whose live's a piece of shit! Yet, miraculously somehow we all seem to deal with it. Did anybody think that you would really seriously slit your wrists. In fact I think that everybody thinks you're seriously full of shit!"
In reply to this post by Soren
We should be able to multi, even when only 1 person is there. As mentioned earlier anyone could create an alt and train it and multi it. Maybe admins can advise on not using a multi, but the last call is for the player to decide, no enforcing laws about it.
In reply to this post by Soren
This is a rule? But I cannot find it in 'The Rules' topic Cirras made, so is it really a rule!?
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