Turtle mod application / Helper turtle guy.

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Turtle mod application / Helper turtle guy.

Hi, many of you know me as Kuroko but i am now "Turtle". Currently interested in helping new players learn the ropes considering i have a good time zone I'm always online around 8 pm - 3 am EST and all around the day on my days off of work.

~ I know I may seem afk a lot but I'm actually looking at BU but never do much besides chat a little. I will be more active now and not so much as "afk turtle"

Noticing the player meetings we're having it seems like BU is taking a great step towards making this a bigger and better community and i would love personally to see it grow a lot larger as it used to be.

I'm a respectable player, i don't cause much trouble and seem to have good relations with everyone in the game. I try to help others when i can such as give away spare items if i have them, or give them information i have on the game.

A small mention, i have written quests and i know theres nobody to fill that position and am willing to take time away to give effort into that aswell.

Sincerely your BU Mascot. Turtle.