Unfinished and a Last Farewell!

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Unfinished and a Last Farewell!

This is something I started awhile back but won't be finishing, It also is a final goodbye from me to everyone alike. I joined the team back in August of 2014, whilst I had many hiccups along the way I did truly enjoy being a part of this community and the wonderful team behind BU.

My reasoning behind this farewell is honestly, just life. I am working two jobs and trying to make way into the indie scene of game development. I feel with lack of time and full dedication to BU this is the best thing I can do for myself as well as the team and community. So this is it.. goodbye friends,
Thanks for everything! <3
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Re: Unfinished and a Last Farewell!

Well, I'm sure I speak for all of the admin team and developers when I say we're sorry to see you go.
That being said, I'm personally happy for you, your life is picking up and getting busy. I wish you all the best, bud!
Do drop in from time to time, yeah? We'd all like to hear how things are going for you.
Anyhoo. Thank you for everything you've provided the game, and take care.
The cake is a lie.