Unnamed Silver Armor

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Unnamed Silver Armor

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I needs some fixes in the gold, to:

a) Make it look like a gold plate
b) Make it look different to the pants/gloves/cape.

It also needs a name. Got one? Comment it and i'll pick the best one!

Finally, I need a nice choice of color. I have a selected 6 here, which DO need a certain one before I sheet it. Which one do you prefer? or, got any other colors to recommend? Please let me know, I'll do it and post it to how you want it to look!

Got any suggestions on what I can do to the armor in general? I'll take those too!
Hope y'all like it :D

Edit: Hi there! Okay, so I updated the armor, and I made it red. I've also changed the gold to silver. Please let me know what you guys think of this one! I will not sheet it without your approval.

Names so far:
Royal Knight
Aurum Plate
Argentum Plate
Imperium Cuirass
I'm only here for the food.
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Re: Unnamed Golden Armor

reminds me of Roy's armor from fire emblem.
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Re: Unnamed Golden Armor

You could call it, Male Aurum
reason I chose aurum is bcuz, gold in latin is aurum, and it fits

also I like the red one best
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Re: Unnamed Golden Armor

In reply to this post by Nurd
It might just be moi, but... that hard flatness bugs me.
"All is darkness!" -Random Pawn
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Re: Unnamed Golden Armor

In reply to this post by Neos
now that its silver, Argentum Plate