W.I.P Hellish Type Map(s)

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W.I.P Hellish Type Map(s)

Ambivalent Hero
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1 of the 4 Hellish Type maps I have been working on. The theme of these maps is a sort of Hell that has a Maze, Prison, Trap rooms, Dungeons and etc. that lead you through monsters, secrets and a boss. The way the maps will be setup is each door will take you to another door in no giving order. In a way it can be considered a small type of maze. Each map is 100 x 100 or bigger, this size lets me add more places to wonder around. Each path/wall is setup to where you will not be able to see above the walls (I hope) and below/past the lava.

I have considered adding interior rooms for added detail, content, and training areas.
This is a work in progress and will take me a little while to finish.  

Youtube Channel: Hero & Princess Play Games

Twitch Channel: www.twitch.tv/HeroAndPrincessPlayGames

(Veteran EO Mapper) IGN: Ambivalent
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Re: W.I.P Hellish Type Map(s)

Ambivalent Hero
Map #2


Edit: If you looked at the image up close and saw some ''Summoning'' Circles around the map and wondered what they are?  They are both for looks and warping. On another map there will be those same summoning circles that take you to random parts of Hell. Just cross your fingers that you don't take the wrong summon circle. ;]

Everything is a Work In Progress. Ideas and etc are subject to change. Everything is close to the main thought though.
Youtube Channel: Hero & Princess Play Games

Twitch Channel: www.twitch.tv/HeroAndPrincessPlayGames

(Veteran EO Mapper) IGN: Ambivalent