glitter jelly shoes! and an accessory set. also a test screen shot.

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glitter jelly shoes! and an accessory set. also a test screen shot.

i made these ages and ages ago because i had blue glitter jellies irl. the way i did the pixels on them mkes them look like they sparkle when u walk. probably could shade them to make them look better but i thought ppl might enjoy the idea

this screen shot- i didn't do the endless art nor the black or the white wings. the rest is by me though.

and here is a bonus, wedding dress ideas plus some additional dresses;

let me know what u think
true love conquers all.
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Re: glitter jelly shoes! and an accessory set. also a test screen shot.

I'm very impressed with that black dress. The colors used and the shading is fantastic. I love the concept. Nice job.
I'm only here for the food.
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Re: glitter jelly shoes! and an accessory set. also a test screen shot.

thanks ;)
i'm kind of embarrassed about those glitter jelly shoes. should just delete. they're so 2006
true love conquers all.