Name: Alex
Bones Underground Name: Marluxa
Age: 15
Country: USA
Average hours per week in the server: 50
Admin involvement on other games or servers: Yes as a mapper.
Estimated Start Date on Bones Underground: Nov. 24
Would you say you have a history of vioating Bones Underground rules: Nope.
Why do you want to be an admin at Bones Undeground?: To map and mod
Do you feel you understand what the responsibilities are of being an admin at BU?: Yes.
What do you hope to accomplish as an admin?: To put atleast 100 new bu maps in
Thats some basic info about me.
If you want to be an admin post pictures of what you can do and add more details, one worded answers aren't giving much information or explaining what you want to do and exactly how you are going to achieve that goal.