BU Has Become A Joke.

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BU Has Become A Joke.

Seriously like many other topics about a certain someone who is a Admin.

Anyways long story short, I was on a alt and messing about saying random shit and Cuban aka Steelo starts talking shit and tells me to be quiet and that im sad for messing about so i reply ''ur a loser'' and then jails me and says ''Fuck that nigga''.

Bone warps to me and trys to stick up for Cuban saying he didn't say that, Then he changed his mind and said Cuban must of been singing.

And asked me to say sorry for basically acussing him lol, I respected Bone but seriously grow a fucking set of balls and stop letting a child run you and your server.

And my alts still in Jail for this lmfao

So racism is allowed against the players but from player to player its wrong and gets you Muted or/ Jailed
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time, nothing else matters. Not the mortgage, not the store, not the team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less.... I'm free"
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Re: BU Has Become A Joke.

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Re: BU Has Become A Joke.

In reply to this post by Standard
BU is a joke, agreed. We probably only stick around to watch since it is such a horrible train wreck that Bone himself keeps throwing more fire onto now.
"All is darkness!" -Random Pawn