Bones-Underground Wiki Project

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Bones-Underground Wiki Project

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Hi everyone! Recently I took on a project to populate the Bones-Underground Wiki with all the content in the game. I know this is a big undertaking that will take me months and possibly years to complete (depending on how lazy I am!) but I think it will benefit the community greatly.


A wiki is a fantastic source of information that can educate you about items, NPCs, monsters, game features, concepts -- anything, really. With the addition of #item and #npc commands, a lot of information is accessible from within the client. However, details like the exact route to locate an NPC or the inventory image of a weapon are not available. The wiki also allows the user to see the evolution of BU by viewing discontinued content (after doing a clean up of the wiki, I discovered a huge amount of items and NPCs that are not in the game anymore... It's interesting to look at).


At the time of this article, I am in the process of adopting the wiki to gain bureaucratic rights to it so I can make changes to the wiki's CSS and protect vulnerable pages from vandals. Having these rights will also allow me to give rights to those of you who wish to help.

My friend and I are populating the item lists linked on the main page which will show what content still needs to be added (articles that don't exist are coloured in red). I am also adding templates so that there is consistency, and future editors will have a backbone to reference when creating their own articles.

How you can help

At this time, I am hoping to get volunteers to help me complete the Monster List, NPC List, and all the items under the 'Items' header on the main page. There are over 500 NPCs/monsters and close to 1,000 items, but I believe that if we work together and get everything into one comprehensive list, we can complete it quickly and it'll be smooth sailing from there!

If you would like to help but you're not sure where to start, or if you need help with editing the wiki, please feel free to post here or contact me in BU. My character name is Aura. Thank you and I hope that together we can make this project a success!
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Re: Bones-Underground Wiki Project

This is an excellent idea! I Love it!!
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Re: Bones-Underground Wiki Project

In reply to this post by Aura
Wow, this is really great!

I'd love to help with this project. Let's chat in-game the next time I'm online.
The cake is a lie.
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Re: Bones-Underground Wiki Project

In reply to this post by Aura
An intriguing project indeed, I'd be pleased to help out.

If you need any help collecting graphics for the articles themselves (i.e; inventory frames sans backgrounds) and other little details like that I would be glad to be of assistance.

I've got a handy personal map lying around of the towns and how the world is actually set out that I've been working on for a very long time that may come of assistance to you during this project too.
Lettuce be pals.
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Re: Bones-Underground Wiki Project

In reply to this post by Aura
Hit me up on Discord! Pingiwin
I'm already helping out as much as I can with the guides/walkthroughs.

I don't mind going a head and getting a list of items typing down what they need and etc

[side note]

I like how I'm the only non admin that commented stating I'd help XD
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Re: Bones-Underground Wiki Project

I saw some of your edits to the wiki already, Pingiwin - thank you for those!

Just thought I'd fill in anyone who may be interested in this project but hasn't yet heard. I was successful in adopting the wiki and was given bureaucrat rights by Wikia a couple of days ago. I used these tools to completely redo the layout and delete/protect problem pages. I would very much like to hear the community's opinion on these changes as I designed the theme/layout to my own tastes. If there's anything you think could be done better, please let me know.

As for the actual content - I am starting to add images to items. There is also a list of projects currently in progress if you're unsure where to start.
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Re: Bones-Underground Wiki Project

In reply to this post by Aura
That would be helpful.
I <3 bu.