Exposed's Mapper Application

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Exposed's Mapper Application

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Hey there BU im Soul and im applying as a mapper at BU I've been a mapper on small servers but havent tried on big servers like BU, FE and EE......

So yea here are my maps guyz hope u like it!!

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Re: Exposed's Mapper Application

Applications should be in the Admin Application section..
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Re: Exposed's Mapper Application

In reply to this post by Exposed

The third map you posted, was infact, made by myself, for version 20. A new map to replace the old 'New Aeven'.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to pass my work off as your own, as maps that size, take a long time to make and it comes across as slightly disrespectful.
Also, if you remapped it (I can see a few things different) then you should state that, something along the lines of (The first two maps were made by myself, but the third one is a remap of new aeven from BU) but not (here are my maps guyz hope u like it!) as that looks like you made the whole thing, when the only thing different about it is a few objects.

If you think things can't get worse, it's probably because you lack sufficient imagination.