In game moderator application

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In game moderator application

Name: Matt
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Location: Canada, Alberta

Hobbies: Administrating is a huge hobby of mine, I've been doing it since I was 17 Normally I can handle forums while also being hired in-game, balancing the flow between isn't too difficult. Those instances I dealt with many players and staff who worked under me, so this shouldn't be too stressful for me. My likes tend to be anything, anything that's pleasant in measure. Dislikes are racists, spammers, hackers, autoers, harassers, liers, and anything else of the sort.

Personality: I'm neutral and laid back whenever I'm just your average player, I don't really side with much of anything unless I know it is entirely wrong and meaningless.  but regardless I'm never one to jump to conclusions and to really argue back. Whenever I'm managing whatever it may be (in-game, or on the forums,) I tend to be the same but I do what I can to see that rules are followed and the boundaries are met. Often players need to learn to deal with their own problems, it's just that there is a very fine line between doing your job differently this way, and then avoiding your job completely just to ease yourself. On the contrary, I'm stern and stubborn and I don't let people walk past me without some decree of a warning if they've done something wrong.

In-game name: Balnson

Past experience: The private server I used to manage was Fallen Evolution. Our base online users were normally 20-100 at any given hour. I held the position of the Head GM  along with Rukario when elevations and otakulove were moving and did not have a way to access the game. I was in close ties with the Owner and the Co-Owner, as were most of the staff; our staff kept in better contact with our owner  as we didn't want to stray away too far. I worked my way up in administration and became one of 4 Administrators and from there I frequently browsed, make sure players were following rules to keep the game running and stable. I did this for Five years until our owner and I had a Falling out. Since then, I have decided to stay with Endless Online servers, as they don't take a lot of computer power and generally have the same community type. I take pride in my work.

Examples of work: Banning players for breaking rules (eg autoing, spamming, threats, and abuse. Issuing warnings to players for minor offences, and jailing players for repeat minor offences
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Re: In game moderator application

Very good app. Best of luck to you.
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Re: In game moderator application

In reply to this post by Balnson
This is a good application. I see that you also have a ton of experience. Would like to see more of you in-game.
The cake is a lie.