Petition for Change on BU

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Petition for Change on BU

Hello everyone,

I would like to say that there is truly something wrong with the admin system on the game we all play. I believe that it needs fixing in order for everyone to continue on playing free from the clutches of abuse from admins. There is so many things wrong with the way admins are allowed to do things on this game. There is no accountability and there is no fear of reprisals or sense of professionalism on this game. I am speaking from personal experience and from seeing other players abused this way. I am in no way singling out any single admin, i am calling for an OVERALL adjustment in the way admins help out this game. If you think this is a just cause, please read and sign my petition.
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Re: Petition for Change on BU

Mamu for COO
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Re: Petition for Change on BU

In reply to this post by girisha
girisha wrote
Goals of this petition

1. To create a system of accountability for admins

2. To create a system of trust between admins/players

3. To create a new way of approaching punishments for players

4. To remove the unneccesary, corrupt and abusive admins

5. To safeguard players against unneccesary abuse

6. To establish new criteria for hiring admins

7. To remake player and admin rules to fix these issues

8. To make these changes in a quick and orderly fashion
1. Never in any MMO would this happen. You all seem to think of these places as lands of freedom, but MMOs are dictatorships, their rules, their game. (Not that I'm supportive of that, but its just the way it is.)

2. That isn't possible with this staff, only a few can achieve player trust.

3. BU's punishments are a joke really, even when they are abused for shits and giggles.

4. I'm almost certain this would require Bone stepping down for this to happen.

5. There is a safeguard, its called not behaving like a jackass! ...Is what I used to say, but the admins here have tainted my once clean e-criminal record with phony crimes, and no reasons!

6. See #4.

7. The issue with player rules is more like this: Certain admins enforce certain rules, other ones enforce different, SOMETIMES they overlap, but they aren't ever on the same page, or book even. Then there are the times they decide to just pretend a rule (that doesn't exist) was broken.

8. See #4.

Now about the rest of the petition...

girisha wrote
I want things to change. I hope im not the only one who does NOT want to stand for the petty abuses and corruptness that is plaguing a game that has so much going for it. I want to change the way the admins on this game communicate and operate with their decisions that affect players. I want to create a system of accountability and establish trust between players and admins. I want to know that each player is dealt with fairly when it comes to punishments, not just because the admins are biased against a certain player and their friends. I want to know that we are safe to speak our mind without fear of reprisal for it. I want to know players are NOT instigated by admins. I want to feel safe that when an admin is on their player account they are NOT to be treated with special priveleges or if they start something, they cant end it with threatening to login to their admin.! I want to play Bones Underground free of interference from any forms of abuse! The power is in the players hands because without us, its just admins abusing commands against each other! Its time for change, ladies and gentleman, side with me and you WILL see things change. We will storm kyle's office and demand that he do something and grab control of the situation and create accountability and system of reprisals against the admin staff who are corrupt and abusive.  POWER TO THE PLAYERS!
Instead of saying "I want" you should have said "We want"... you're the worst poster boy for this movement! You cause more fuss than anyone over anything, I've even seen YOU fabricate a tale just to make a report on abuse lol.

" I want to feel safe that when an admin is on their player account they are NOT to be treated with special priveleges or if they start something, they cant end it with threatening to login to their admin.!"

That is almost ridiculous. When an admin logs onto their player 'alt' they are basically off-duty cops, they still have to do their job if the moment comes. They're still a them, not an us.

Now to poke the petitioners!

Stevie Thomas wrote
Because admins need to show accountability towards players, respect is given once respect is received
That type of attitude is why the world is how it is, WE (as human beings ((and fishfolk))) should always take the first step and give respect. Otherwise, its basically you wanting respect first, and them wanting respect first... what does that accomplish? Too much pride makes everyone a big dick. (Also the accountability, we/you should also be accountable. Most of the anti-admin folk do not ever admit or take accountability for their own crimes.)

Matthew White wrote
I agree that the admins are rude and also at times biased toward certain players, making it unfair on players who have started the game. I think changing the way admins can do things and also who is admin will vastly improve the server for everyone.
The admins ARE rude, some of them even make titles taunting or insulting us players, which in itself creates hostility where it may not have existed before.
As far as bias... this claim/myth has been around forever but where is the proof? I'm BFFs with 2 or 3 HGMs and have still been wrongfully muted, jailed, and banned, and never once did they do me some sort of magical favor with their admun powarz. But changing who is an admin, THAT is a root issue, I agree.

bellaleenda perez wrote
I have donated hundreds of dollars to bring about upgrades in the server stood with integrity behind every word spoken all my actions matched what I wanted to do improve the community and stand against all abuses.Only to be harassed and banned from a sever I paid loads to play. The last ban being 500 days with no explanation of any misconduct that didn't match the treatment by admits and their families I was given. I want my money back I want Kyle to come out of his drug induced stupper long enough to see how far Under Bones Underground has been corrupted. That server is a joke used solely to support its owners drug habits. Legally I am not getting what I paid for because of the Dysfunctional Family Kyle is responsible for hiring. I'm signing this petition an talking to my Lawyer. What a pathetic bunch the lot of you choosing to live in such filth an debauchery. Don't fight the law of gravity sir Bones Underground is going down.There are far better servers for all of you to choose with healthy communities and fair play!
...I'm not even gonna go there.

Kennith David wrote
Because fuck Amy.
This is just stupid, and I'm not talking grammatically!

NOW FOR MY OPINION, ...some more!

BU is a mess on all fronts, it would be a much better game if these issues were fixed. I do not believe however, that these issues will be ever fixed or even addressed. I've seen people be told by admins to "gtfo" just for daring to suggest that the ridiculous crafting system and unbalanced items/enemies makes the game tough for new players (which it DOES). On the other hand, I've seen  other admins walk newbies through the ropes a little to get them on the right track (even though they were probably just alts, cause where would new players come from anyways?). But this only goes to show along with the rule enforcing, and punishment giving that there are two mentalities amongst the admins, and the wrong side is the majority.

WE CANNOT FIX IT! But we cannot keep quiet about it, and we're not allowed to talk about it really. Welcome to BU!

P.S. I agree to a point, but I'm not going to bother signing.
"All is darkness!" -Random Pawn