Please post all new client suggestions here.

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Re: Please post all new client suggestions here.

#2 seems like a subtle yet effective addon.
#5 seems like it needs to happen "other languages" would be hard to find dedicated help for all the conversions I will look into it.
#6 explain a bit please?
#8 I have been working server side with spells and the esf-ecf files building different spell types class restricted spells and new spell types. EX: each magical class type mage, priest summoner have custom spells mage would could be restricted to only useing item spells like wands staffs with spells attached the priest I created something called sacrifce a mass AOE spell type that the priest absorbs some of the damage delt based of the current formula vars and summoner yes they can summon NPC's to battle with for a certain amount of time.
I connected all the unk values in the esf file ect ect.
#9 good idea but I think we will keep most trade interactions between online characters.
#14 I have created a zoom function that supports my current graphic library it is currently not in use and at the moment it can still be debugged a bit. What my funtion does on zoom N-O is basicly create a clone of the original gfx but leaves both objects in memory while zoomed now days its not such a big deal but on a dino machine it might cause some trouble.
#15 I can code it and leave it configurable server side but Jonnah made it clear he only wants 3 characters per acct!

Thank you for all the great ideas  Nathan/Insomniac :D!!