turbo for pixeler 2015

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turbo for pixeler 2015

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hey its turbo most of you know me as turbo. All i will talk about is cars and trucks
and engines btw


the reason why id make a great admin is because i ran my own server. from 2011-2015 it was called Darkness-Online/DO. i quit that mostly because i just wanted to be a admin on some one else's server instead of being an owner. i was co owner on united armys from 2012-2013 till it shut down due to college. and for a short time i was on endless edge (for a week) as a pixeler but quit cause it was so un organized, the admins where not helpful. back than i went by toffee

i can pixel, i can map, i can help people. i enjoy helping people, i am a people person i am on alot.

for the 3 weeks i have been on your server i have loved all of it. the admins are so nice and helpful. they are also fun, we joke around swearings aloud which is great hahah.

this is the only stuff i have made with bones online graphics

wings i made

this robe and hood i made up yesterday

this map i made awhile back its town square

anyway i would just love to be able to be a helpful part of this badass community

i just turned 16 btw.
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

Could you post some of your work? Maps and Pixles?
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

In reply to this post by diesel
You couldn't even figure out how to use the #Title command.... I have less than 0 confidence in what you could do as an admin.
"All is darkness!" -Random Pawn
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

In reply to this post by diesel

I think you should stop commenting on people applications. You don't even have a quarter of experience it would take in general. That being said, you don't really have any place to give an opinion. Not being disrespectful, just stating facts honestly.


To the OP: I have a hard time believing you were once a Pixel Artist for EndlessEdge. I remember your name, however, I do not remember you ever being on the staff. I can get this confirmed either way. Lastly, your art is not bad, although it could use some work on shading, etc. Good luck with your application and I wish you the best.
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

Jimmy wrote

I think you should stop commenting on people applications. You don't even have a quarter of experience it would take in general. That being said, you don't really have any place to give an opinion. Not being disrespectful, just stating facts honestly.
So you're saying someone that can't figure out how to set their title should have a go at using admin commands? Oh right, you're just upset with me still, or else you wouldn't have commented here at all. Kindly file your 'assumptions' about me elsewhere sir, this isn't my application so it has no place here.

Also on the note of where you 'think' I can and cannot comment, since I am able to post on this section of the forum.... that sort of debunks your theory, no?
"All is darkness!" -Random Pawn
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015


I was never upset with you, kid. Your opinion on me does not alter my thought process in any way. Anyways, I don't see how being new to a server can justify other capability's. Not every server has a #title command in fact. Also, there are plenty of lists on admin commands, therefore; I do not see him having an issue.


Your ending mention; I was more-so jabbing at the fact you comment (Criticizing) on applications as if you have the experience & knowledge to do so. But you don't at all and this is very apparent. Anyways, let's not derail this kids thread. I've gave my opinion. Take it to PMs if you wish.


Good luck, OP!
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

In reply to this post by diesel
I did know how to use that command my title was just 1 letter to long 😘
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

In reply to this post by diesel
Hey, your pixels still need some altering (as do mine) which will become easier with more time and experience! Keep at this pixeling as you have potential too! :) I wish you luck
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

Thanks I'll try
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Re: turbo for pixeler 2015

In reply to this post by turbo
turbo wrote
I did know how to use that command my title was just 1 letter to long 😘
Then I misunderstood the issue, my apologies.
"All is darkness!" -Random Pawn