hey its turbo most of you know me as turbo. All i will talk about is cars and trucks
and engines btw
the reason why id make a great admin is because i ran my own server. from 2011-2015 it was called Darkness-Online/DO. i quit that mostly because i just wanted to be a admin on some one else's server instead of being an owner. i was co owner on united armys from 2012-2013 till it shut down due to college. and for a short time i was on endless edge (for a week) as a pixeler but quit cause it was so un organized, the admins where not helpful. back than i went by toffee
i can pixel, i can map, i can help people. i enjoy helping people, i am a people person i am on alot.
for the 3 weeks i have been on your server i have loved all of it. the admins are so nice and helpful. they are also fun, we joke around swearings aloud which is great hahah.
this is the only stuff i have made with bones online graphics
wings i made
this robe and hood i made up yesterday
this map i made awhile back its town square
anyway i would just love to be able to be a helpful part of this badass community
i just turned 16 btw.