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Ok guys, to win this contest. You will need to be the player who comes up with the best event idea for all players. I suggest you really think this through, the event will have to be feasible and plausible. I will not set a deadline for this contest. I will monitor your responses and as soon as i see the best idea i will choose that winner. So do not delay too long with your idea. You have at least till tomorrow before I will decide, so its not like I will choose the 1st idea of the day and everyone else is screwed. The contest winner, and there will be only 1, can choose any item of their choice in bu, i do mean any item, unreleased, top end, does not matter, it will be item of choice. Note only your first submission will be counted, so think it through before you post. Ty for your contributions.
Usually most people will pick Arena,Scanger,hide and seek ect as the basics. But through experience a event that combines all of these, or some of them is where it's at.
My Idea would be a Mix between a maze type event, swell as a scavenger hunt. I think designing a small but difficult maze is easy enough. The next step would be have like 3 items called "Maze token1" "Maze token2" "Maze token3" within the maze(OR USE EXISTING ITEMS). Have them in chests/invisible chests, hidden all over the maze. Without map being enabled this will be pretty hard to find. The goal would be to collect a number of each 1, lets say 3 of each token. And then make it out of the maze to win!!! I think this is a great Idea, I hope people like it!!!!! |
i like the idea but i don't see how it would be possible to do this with so many players at once. you would either all be in there at once or go in one at the time and that would either be way too crowded or take way too long. however i do like this if it can be modified to fit better.
If your problems can be solved by throwing a bag of money at them, they aren't problems. They are opportunities.
Well if you make the maze really big, It would fit alot of people...Big enough to maybe take 1 hour or so to beat it!!!.There isn't that many people usually on xD Maybe 30 people in the maze would be fine!!!
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
nentra votes for a dress up/costume event
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
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In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
This is my exclusive idea, it is called ''Survival For The Fittest.'' okay what if we had a map that looks pretty messed up like '' empty'' like a desert or something like that, its basically a survival and retrieving Treasure type of game . There will be a whole Heep of players trying to survive and stop the other Enemies from winning, its gonna be a ''Free For All '' the players have to collect gems on the floor, They'll have to prevent other players from winning and there can be very strong Monsters which can prevent them from picking the gems up. There is no chances once you're dead you're dead you can give your life to a friend that dies if you have to go, the player with the most gems wins the event
Also everyone has to make new characters in order to participate ![]() This can happen every Sunday or Whenever bone wants it to be on. -Subliminal
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
For 1 hour Everyday Bone Lord Drops 100x Normal Bones yes that would be 1m bones and up per drop. That is my idea pretty sure this wont be my only one its just a suggestion i dont expect it to win gimme a bit and ill have something better
Death Becomes Life as Life Becomes Death.
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
I think it is important for an event to be flexible for all players - from just starting to people who have been around since day one. It is also important that the event isn't too one sided either.
To begin with, my event idea is called "Bones or No Bones," an idea from "Deal or No Deal." Initially, there would need to be a number of admins/admin alts around to hold this event - as those characters will act as the "Prize cases." Say that there are 5 admins/admin alts available. Each of these admins/cases has a prize of different value. For example each case could have either 1 bone, a goat horn, Male/Female Legendary, Bone of Bone, or Caelic Armor/Sword. So one person picks 1 of the 5 cases. Then Bones/other admin offers them a certain item/# of Bones for their choice. If they say "Bones" they trade their choice of item for what Bone/Admin offered and the game ends. If they say "No Bones" the game keeps going - each round the player selected chooses 1 case to eliminate. If it was a good item the admin running the event will offer a lower amount. On the reverse, if it was a lower prize the offer goes up. Finally when there is only the selected "case/admin" and 1 last case there, the player who is chose for the event can keep or trade it for the last case. Then if Bones/an Admin running the event doesn't make an offer the player wants to accept they get that prize. I think this event would be good for 3-5 players selected, so each get their own turn. In order to qualify for the event the first 3-5 players would have to PM the Admin hosting the event with the correct answer. Or even on Global this could be done. I feel, to keep things fair for all players the trivia should be something like, "What color does the mix of blue and red create?" or something along those lines. These questions are only for determining which players are allowed to do this event - the first 3-5 correct are the ones allowed to partake. Also I think that the players that got to play the time before have to wait till after the next one to play again - to give more people a chance to win and partake in this event. |
In reply to this post by Subliminal Messages ;O
I myself honestly think that subliminal's idea so far looks pretty fun and id love to see it get the attention it deserve and id love to see it go far! Good Luck Sub
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
I'm with Subliminal on this one... Pretty cool idea ^-^ and it's pretty original, from my experience at least... But what do I know XD
We've wrapped ourselves in fear.
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
I think we should get bones every month on the first month that way maybe like 100m but the system gives you it automatically.
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
I think the first, and most important thing we need to ask ourselves is, why we hold events. To allow everyone and anyone to participate, but more importantly to have fun, and enjoy something different, hence the term 'event' however in order for everyone to enjoy themselves, everyone has to have an absolute equal oppurtunity at winning a(the) prize.
And so I present to you; The Tower of Power BASIC GUIDELINES: The Tower will consist of 5 floors, each varying in it's own group challenge. Any players who fail to complete any of the challenges is eliminated, and no longer in the competition. Any players deliberatly not following instructions will be disqualified from the competition. FLOOR ONE: DIG DEEP The concept of this challenge is for players to frantically pick up and drop item A(let's say bones to keep it simple but you could make it much more challenging by making item A something very space consuming such as armor equipment) and under several pickups of Item A will be Item B, your ticket to the next floor. This floor will always vary depending on the number of participants, and be prepared as such a ratio that not everyone will find one. Example: 15 Players, 10 Item B's. FLOOR TWO: SNATCH & GRAB This floor is very simple to understand, the tower master will stand stationary with all participants on top or under one another in any surrounding block around the tower master. The tower master, once all participants are in position, will periodically drop an item directly under their feet. The objective is to snatch the item before anyone else, and move to the next floor. The remaining player ratio will determine how many keys are dropped by the tower master. FLOOR THREE: SIMON SAYS (Someone think of something more clever later I'm trying to hurry<3) Again, simple. 3-5 Different types of potions will be distributed that make different effects appear (example:Terror, Love potion) The tower master will call out which to use, and last person for each round to activate the proper potion will be eliminated. Anyone who pops an improper potion at any time is eliminated. Again, the number of 'calls' will vary on participants remaining. FLOOR FOUR: DEATH RACE All remaining participants will be forced to fend for their lives as they rush and and juke several monsters skattered over a determined distance. Obviously many of these but especially this idea will have to be trial and error tweaked, determining how many of what monster to have roam where, however the idea is to go from Point A to Point B without being struck a single time by the creatures. Anyone struck will be eliminated, and all players who make it across automatically proceed to the final floor. PLAYERS ARE NOT TO STRIKE THE MONSTER HOWEVER BLOCKING OTHERS IS ENCOURAGED. FLOOR FIVE: THE FINAL SHOWDOWN What better way is there to end a competition without a fight to the death ? There isn't ! All participants will be thrown into a FFA Arena with 1-3 Hit Points each. The last man, or woman(; standing will be crowned the victor of the tower, and recieve said awards. ANYONE CAUGHT OR EVEN SUSPECTED OF "CO-OP" WILL BE IMMIDIATELY REMOVED The entire concept of this tower is for you, alone, to fend for yourself and win. Anyone found guilty of working with others to have any kind of advantage over any other participant whatsoever will NOT be eligible for ANY prizes. Disclaimer: I love forum events and worked very, very hard on this and hope everyone enjoys and possibly someday enjoys this event idea. Obviously this is a 'rough draft' at best and it's completely open to opinion and criticism for the benefit of making it a better idea. Just please keep in mind the entirety of it is equal opportunity to anyone and everyone, no matter your trivial knowledge of the game or strength. |
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
My idea for an event is to make a map that's decent to large sized, and have a lot of extremely low hp npcs inside that even a brand new player could kill in 1 hit. Having them die in 1 hit will be fair to new and high level players and should avoid the deal that happens sometimes when more then one person is killing a monster and it drops but the one who got the drop can't pick it up. Disabling AOE and range weapons on the map would have to be possible though for this to work and be fair however. Otherwise those with bone of bone and up, and cube will massacre the npc's and have a huge advantage.
The map can be seperate from the rest of the world like lotto map, and all the players can be glb warped to it. Once there either make the drop extremely rare and you only have to collect like 5 of the item to win, or moderate chance of getting it and increase the amount to maybe 10+. Also make the drops lore so no one could buy/sell, trade or team up with other people during the event. That way it can be every person for themselves. The drops will be used in a craft. An event only craft. You'd have to add a stationary craft npc in probably the dead center of the map. One enemy npc can drop 3 items for the craft or have 3 npc's drop one item each. Then use those items you get in a drop to craft and then trade the crafted item to admin to win. Make the crafted item unlore so that you can trade the admin to win though. There are two ways I can think of to prevent players from finishing the craft and keeping it for later, or saving the drops and gaining an advantage the next time this event takes place. One is making the same craft item but with different drops for it, making future events random and items gotten in the previous event useless. This option seems the best to me. Though another option would be rolling back the server to just before the event, so everyone should lose the items accumulated. Just write down/remember the winners name. To avoid upsetting the players, make the event on a certain day. Announce the day before, and the day before that, multiple times throughout the day what day of the week the event will take place. And again when announcing the event is taking place and warping everyone to the map, let people know that there will be a rollback after the event is over. Giving a few days heads up, and keeping the event on the same day of the week should remind people who don't want to partake in the event to not train, try to get drops for the duration of the event due to the inevitable rollback. |
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
Trivia who knows Bu the most and you cant look up the answers on forum
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