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Update 7-3-19
Download: BU_Beta0.1 I changed this post to be more of an imformative page on client progress rather than the intro to this 4 page novel. The client is almost done and will hopefully reach beta testing in the next couple of months "5 years later" yes I am a busy man but anyway here is a list of whats left. This list should shrink daily-weekly. If your interested to see recent progress with detailed info please check new posts! TODO: Guilds,book,trade,whisper, a few missing icons and text.fix credits,last but not least debug and refactor code. TODO OPTIONAL: Setup/options button configuration page,static link .dll files rather than dynamic link linking info- Static linking is the result of the linker copying all library routines used in the program into the executable image. This may require more disk space and memory than dynamic linking, but is both faster and more portable. Dynamic linking is accomplished by placing the name of a sharable library in the executable image. Actual linking with the library routines does not occur until the image is run. Thank you! Insomniac/Nathan :D |
This is the most awesome thing that will ever happen for bu, I hope you guys realize that and appreciate all that Nate is doing as much as i do. The future of bu is in good hands.
In reply to this post by insomniac
Will our characters be able to be transferred over or will we have to all start brand new and everyone lose everything that they have donated worked for crafted and trained to achive?
In reply to this post by Mr.Bone
This is going to be amazing. Pushing the limits of EO, maybe even making it possible to change exp requirements from level to level, have over 900 unique items ,, etc. Can't wait to see this in action insomniac ;D
I can't wait to see what new possibilities these could bring for the future :o |
Limited, this most likely wouldn't effect the database. It would only effect things such as the max amount of items the game can have before needing to replace older items etc and npcs.
IF this were to somehow effect the database it would take time but it could be restored. the new hard code would need to be able to recognize the old database if it were to happen like that. |
In reply to this post by insomniac
cant wait to see in nate
eat that asian
In reply to this post by Limited
Yes your accounts will be not be effected! First Im going to recreate the EO client with some minor changes, and then make custom changes for BU's needs. We've been brainstorming on new ideas for the last couple weeks.. Im not going to spoil it and yes its a few months out but you all should expect alot of new AND improved features coming to BU. I am going on vacation from Apr 10-15 so I wont have any updates tell about the 20th.
I have gotten maps rendered 90% and characters walking 90% since my last post. Thank you all for the support and remember to vote BU to help us climb the best mmorpg list! Thanks Insomniac/Nathan :D |
In reply to this post by Ikatchi
Yes indeed "the limits" >.< I dont blame vult-R for hardcoding the limits he only had 4 or 5 people helping him when he created EO,I will also have to have limits and I dont believe reborns will be needed "lvl 253 MAX why " a char variable max 255 with a little kush I guess, I will raise that to 65353 unless kyle wants to keep the reborn system.Theres also alot of attributes capped 65353 I will have to cap at 4294967295 (0xffffffff) " alot of kush"!
I think if anyone reaches lvl 65353 " which is basicly 258 reborns" they either need to get a prize or step away from their computer :D! |
I don't know what current ideas are being implemented into the new custom client, but I thought I'd just throw some ideas out there.
1. New In Game Map Layout The current map layout consumes most of the screen and is an eyesore to look at, so I was thinking that we needed to get a new map something like thew one in EOR where it's off in one of the corners and is a sideways square that renders the map around by about a 20x20 or 30x30 tile distance. 2.(This isn't at all original... but) Overlay Hats/Armor/Weapons Basically just items that can be put over our items to make them better suit you or go with your look etc. These would most likely end up being cheap donation items. 3.Day/Night & Weather I think it'd be cool to see the transition of day to night throughout all maps in an elapsed time frame as well as a weather effect that effects a whole map rather than just making changing down walls and right walls that can only cover so much space. 4. Character Voicing It'd also be cool to get a dying ''moan'' or yelp etc for both male and female characters as well as injured sound effects for all kinds of different in game things such as ; Walking over spikes, being hit by a monster, being hit by a player in PK zone, etc. Atm this is all I can pitch out for ideas .-. |
This post was updated on .
1: Im not sure about!
2: I like the idea and would be easy to implement! Something simple as a feather in the hat,bandana under the hat,maybe a chain in the pocket,or scarf ect, that would increase the game play a crapload! 3: I like this idea day night seasons weather ect this would be lots of work for the BU mappers,even just day and night would be 470 new maps or i could possible just code maps to cast shadows and darken and lighten the screen at a certain times.I've coded weather system server sided for my old eo server so that wont be any trouble! 4: seems like a good concept! I think it might also be cool to add actual voice chat function, I know sometimes i get tired of typing or have to go afk for a bit and it would be nice if i could just walk of with my headset and still communicate :D |
Added some screen shots on the orignal post!
Really cool can't wait to see how it looks after everything is ready ^___^
In reply to this post by insomniac
I had a couple of ideas myself regarding the buttons on both sides of the client.
There's a non-used button on the client underneath the 'Group' button, which was originally supposed to do something but it was never put in. Do you think it's possible for you to put something in there? The same thing goes for the 'Def' button. That's also not in use. Maybe you could use them both to implement something into BU that could really help the game and further increase gameplay! One idea I had was one of them could be a voting system for songs. So there would be a list of songs and players could vote for which song could be played next. Similar to a jukebox but with the voting ability! BU doesn't have a jukebox so it'd be nice to have one in there. :P The other idea that I had was to somehow implement a way to make voting for BU on the websites easier, by putting the voting links into the client, which could further increase votes and people won't have to go through the trouble of having to go to the website to do so. I understand it's probably not possible to do that, but it would be a nice edition. :D
I'm only here for the food.
Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!
I think 1 of those buttons we are going to use to advance our pet system, that will open up a sub menu like spells and give them level system similar to the character level system "skill and stat points ect"! I think the player voting for songs on a map could work if we dont get some song hog voting for the same song over and over and no one else voting "there's only so many times in a row I can listen to Lil Jon SHOTSSHOTSSHOTSHotZ". I'm not sure why there's no jukebox I think the jukebox gfx was replaced! I think linking the voting sites to the client is a good idea.I don't know if Kyle will like the idea because it will reduce web traffic on the BU site! Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter!Happy Easter! |
You can stop the song hogs by having the list of songs randomize each play. So that way, the same song isn't playing over and over and over and over again, and it will be a different song. :P
I'm only here for the food.
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